I hate to say it, but I am really, really bahhumbug about this election. I was not a huge McCain Fan, LOVED LOVED Sarah Palin, and feel that Obama is NOT the Messiah the media is making him out to be. Well, it looks like he is our next President and I am having a hard as heck time accepting that. God Help us if my gut is right about him. I am to the point that I almost vomited last night on my way home at the thought of him becoming President.... and its not his race, I could care less about that, its the lack of experience, the fact that his Rev. has said some downright MEAN, Degrading things about our wonderful nation, his relationship with Bill Ayers among others...and why the heck is his Birth Cert. sealed...HELLO that is public knowledge!!! I honestly think he has been the smoothest talking canidate since Clinton...Prove me wrong Obama!!!