Sunday, November 30, 2008

Personal Post.

Well, Blogs are for lots of reasons and sometimes they are for airing dirty laundry...This weekend was fun but also a bit tough. I was confronted by someone I love very much about my weight. This is something that I have dealt with since I was a teenager (though I didnt balloon up until I was in my mid- twenties and now) What frustrates me is that people ASSUME that I eat too much, which on the contrary, I eat too little most days. I have been to a doctor asking them to do something, anything. What they have found is that my body produces to much of the male hormone, it's a slight amount above, but enough to wreck havoc on my weight and appearance (hair growth in places women SHOULD NOT have hair), I have been desperate in the past to lose weight. I have exercised obsessively, I have starved myself for months, I have denied myself any joy in food, only to have any weight I have lost come racing back. It breaks my heart that I have spent a large majority of my life dealing with this. I do not want my daughter to have to go through what I have. I pray to God that she does not inherit the imbalance that has basically ruined my physical life. Once again this monster has reared its ugly head and I am faced with many choices on what to do. My Dr. and I are working on this and I would appreciate encouragement, not remarks...believe me I dont need someone to point out my's the first thing I think about in the morning and the last before I go to bed. Thanks for letting me air my mind. It was a tough weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Why can't people just shut up and mind their own business. They feel they have to stick their noses in where they don't belong. UGH! I am sorry. HUGS! I feel for you. Although my gain was mostly my fault, I was put on antidepressants at 17 and wasn't told weight gain was a side affect, stupid teenage diet KILLED my figure. :( HUGS I think you are BEAUTIFUL no matter what!
